Looking for something to simply keep track of all your bills? My Bills will do just that. My Bills is a Palm application designed to keep track of your personal bills for an entire calendar year without extensive data entry. You need only enter a bill once and My Bills will automatically enter it on every day that it is due. You need only tap on a bill once to mark it as paid. If you wish, you may keep track of how you pay each bill, and you can see at a glance what is due now or in the future. You may also enter reminders and alarms in the Palm Datebook, you may password protect your data, you may keep notes on any payee, you may export a report to the memo pad for any month, and you may view and edit each payee's history for the entire year. My Bills includes a complete User's Manual and online help. Download now and start organizing your finances. Trial version is a fully functioning program for 60 days, thereafter you need a registration code available for $9.95 at www.palmgear.com or www.handango.com.
| | | Organize bills
| | | Money management
| | | Track paid and due bills
| | | set reminders with alarms in DateBook
| | | Password protection
| | | Export reports
| | | control personal finances
What's New!
My Bills v4.64 What’s New?
New Features:
Improved Year End Routine:
The procedure for preparing your bills for the new year has changed to allow you to retain records for the current year.
Bypass the Password form:
A new preference has been added to allow you to bypass the password entry form if you choose not to use a password.
Please continue to let me know of any problems or special requests.
© Helen Sandoz 12/7/03 sandozsoft@earthlink.net
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| Supports:
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| | Palm IIIc
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| Requires:
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| | 105 kb of free Palm memory
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